-86 ° C Skin Freezer 188 Liters Vertical Type Ildam

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İldam Laboratuvar Malzemeleri Ticaret Ve Sanayi A.ş

1235. Cadde (Eski 58. Sokak) No:18 Ostim / Ankara 06370 Yenimahalle / Ankara 06370 Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
İLDAM LABORATUVAR CİHAZLARI A.Ş. In addition to TSE-DIN and ISO, it manufactures according to all national standards, and can produce optional special laboratory glass devices according to the highest quality standards. As of 1999, our company has adopted the Total Quality understanding and work in this direction on the basis of customer requirements and satisfaction, and aims to achieve a first in Turkey by improving the product range. It offers you the first Quartz Heati...