Alçin Alüminyum Çinko Haddecilik Tic. Ve San. A.ş.

Bayramoğlu Kavşağı Türkpetrol Benzin istasyon arkası Gebze / Kocaeli 41420 Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
about us
Alçin Aluminum

Alçin Aluminum Zinc Haddecilik Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. It was founded by Gazioğlu brothers in 1972 to make rolling mill of aluminum, zinc, copper, brass and other metals. In 1974, a 1800-ton fully automatic extrusion press was imported from the Japanese company UBE and aluminum profile production was started.

take office at all levels of production in the company that created the founder of the Board of Directors and technological developments in the sector results continue to monitor closely the company was soon in production and quality that fully integrated facility with a leading aluminum profile manufacturers in Turkey technologies in terms of world standards.

Alçin also achieved full integration in the production process by applying the latest technologies of its time for casting, mold manufacturing, heat treatment, nitriding, anodizing, electrostatic powder painting processes.

Molding room supported by CNC machines, Hertwich horizontal casting, two full automatic UBE Japanese extrusion presses of 1800 tons and 2500 tons, full automatic robot system conveyor with double puller, tension cutting and stacking unit, 48.000Amp Italtechno anodizing facility, 48 The fully automatic electrostatic paint unit, which is a spray paint gun, contains CNC mechanical processing units that can operate profiles up to 7 meters. In this way, we provide quality, fast and reliable service to our customers.

The service established to manage the relations with our company, its shareholders; It aimed to manage its relations with shareholders and intermediary institutions more systematically. All questions that are not considered as trade secrets are answered by the Investor Relations by observing the principle of equality and it is ensured that the management and the shareholder are in constant communication.

By encouraging the shareholders to convey their questions, suggestions and requests to our company; It is aimed to respond to the requests and questions received from the address, telephone and e-mail address on our website and in the company\'s annual report as soon as possible.

Our facilities are shown to our shareholders who request, and will continue to be visited upon request. Within the scope of investor relations, periodic exchanges of information are held with brokerage house analysts, domestic / foreign institutional investors and fund managers, promoting our Company, evaluating the operating results and sharing their projections, in collective conferences or visits.

In accordance with the principle of public disclosure and transparency, gazioglu discloses information that may be of interest to shareholders and stakeholders and that does not constitute trade secrets. In addition, a corporate portal was established to increase communication among employees and to inform employees quickly.

Gazioglu\'s Corporate Governance Practices Our basic management principles regulating the relations between our company\'s management, partners, employees and third parties (customers, law authorities, suppliers and all kinds of persons and institutions the company is in contact with) are listed below.


In our work and activities, we adhere to the principle of honesty in our relations with customers, employees, shareholders, law authorities and other institutions and organizations.


With the awareness that trust lies at the heart of the Food Industry, we provide clear, understandable and accurate information to customers, shareholders, employees and law authorities, and provide timely, complete and promised services.


We do not approach customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders in a prejudiced manner due to gender, behavior, opinion and ethnic origin, and do not discriminate under any circumstances.


We comply with all laws, regulations and standards.


We do not share all kinds of information and transaction details about our shareholders, employees, suppliers and business partners, especially the commercial information of our customers, with any person or organization other than the authorities permitted by law.


We disclose to the public financial and non-financial information about our company in a timely, accurate, complete, understandable, interpretable and easily accessible manner, except for trade secrets and information that has not yet been disclosed to the public.

In accordance with the principle of public disclosure and transparency, gazioglu discloses information that may be of interest to shareholders and stakeholders and that does not constitute trade secrets. In addition, a portal was created to increase communication between employees and to inform employees quickly.

CMB Corporate Governance Principles II. Information enumerated in Section 1.11.5 and required to be included in the website:

-Corporate Management Principles Report

-Trade registry information

-Partnership and management structure

-Special case explanations

Final version of the main contract

-Annual activity reports, periodic financial statements and reports

- Agendas, meeting minutes of the General Assembly meetings

- Proxy voting form

It is up to date on the Gazioglunun website Apart from this information, our company\'s vision, mission and goals, history, Board of Directors Report, Corporate Governance Principles, affiliates, dividend targets and capital increases, and news about our company are also available on the website.

Corporate Governance Principles, which are determined by the CMB and consist of four main sections, are applied in general terms, and the issues that are not applied are explained in detail within the framework of the ongoing articles together with their justification.

Profit Distribution Policy and Profit Distribution Time

Our company strives to attain the highest market value with the financial results it achieves, and it is aimed to distribute dividends to its shareholders every year according to the Distributable Period Profit in accordance with the profit distribution policy set out in the Articles of Association and the Capital Markets Law.

Transfer of Shares

There are no restrictions on the transfer of our company\'s shares, and the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code are valid.


The disclosure policy has been created by our company and is disclosed to the public in the Annual Report and on the website under the title of Public Disclosure and Transparency within the Corporate Governance Practices of our company.

With the responsibility of being a public company, our company obeys the Special Cases Communiqué in terms of simultaneously informing the investors and disclosing the public. In this regard, our personnel are regularly informed and trained in order to make Special Situation Disclosures in accordance with the rules. All developments experienced and covered by the communiqué of our company are immediately announced to our investors and the public. When necessary, press conferences attended by our Chairman of the Board of Directors are held and developments are conveyed.

In accordance with this policy, gazioglu has appointed Investor Relations to inform the public in a timely manner and to ensure that the information is complete, reliable, understandable and interpretable.

The Investor Relations Department is responsible for presenting the company\'s performance and strategies to existing and potential investors in the most accurate and transparent manner.

Every period, gazioglu\'s independently audited financial results are announced to the public through a press release, a presentation regarding the financial statements is prepared, shared on the investor relations website and information is provided.

III - Board of Directors

Our Company\'s Board of Directors was elected with 5 members elected for 3 years. There are also 2 Auditors.

The management and administration of the company and the control of the business and activities of the company belong to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors convenes regularly, and once a month, the executive board meetings are held to evaluate all our group companies and activities, and to discuss executive transactions.

IV-Internal Control Mechanism

An Internal Audit Board has been established within the organization of our company. The working principles and duties and powers of the Internal Audit Board are determined by the Regulation.

V-Ethical Rules

Personnel Regulations approved by our Board of Directors Working order within our company, Subordinate-Senior Relations, Responsibility, Observing Company Benefit, Relations with Customers and Business Owners, Obligation to Continue, Transfer and Delivery, Confidentiality, Prohibition of Commercial Activities and Working Outside the Company, Kinship Relationship, It contains ethical rules that regulate issues such as Related Publication and Statement, Job Security, Wishes and Complaints.


As stated in the vision, mission and goals section of our annual report, one of the main goals of our company is to support the development of the personnel and create motivation and job satisfaction. The principles of our company and our group companies, whether written or unwritten and known by all our personnel, codes of conduct and issues that need to be considered in relations with individuals and organizations within or outside our companies are gathered together and are implemented as Ethical and Professional Principles. Ethical Principles aim to regulate the attitudes and behaviors of employees at all levels and their relations with individuals and organizations within and outside the company.


Investors have immediate access to all kinds of information about our company and developments, information about the company that affects or does not affect the investment decisions of the savings owners or the prices of capital market instruments, financial statements, financial analyzes and other information, in accordance with our transparency policy, along with the announcements we will make on our website. Whenever we deem necessary, it will be done through media and visual broadcasting tools.

In addition, investors will be able to instantly access the presentations and reports, annual reports, financial statements disclosed in promotional meetings, information meetings or press conferences held with a certain group of investors on our website, if the investor cannot access information in this way, the necessary information will be provided if requested from our company via correspondence.

The news and rumors about our Incorporation in the press or on the internet sites will be followed by our company headquarters as much as possible and maximum effort will be made to publish them on our website. When the partnership needs to make a statement regarding the news and rumors in question, which is published in the media but does not have an obligation to declare a material event in accordance with the communiqué, the representative of the partnership will inform the public by giving a press conference or interview in the press or visual media. The statements made in the press or visual broadcast on this subject will be kept ready for informing the investor on the website for 6 months from the date of publication.

In addition, the personnel with administrative responsibilities by the partnership will be announced on the website (the partnership is free to announce all or part of this list) and in case of change, the general criteria for determining these persons will be announced along with the resumes of the new personnel. In addition, the explanation to be made about these administrative personnel upon the necessity of our company will be made on the internet and information will be transferred from our website when necessary about the awards or training they have received.

Until the public disclosure of special cases, if the administrative personnel and other insider information do not have professional responsibilities for ensuring the confidentiality of the information in question (through the regulation stating that keeping the information confidential within the professional rules), the Confidentiality Agreement will be signed with the legal entity of our partnership. The spread of insider information will be prevented.

Our Values
Always being pioneering and innovative
Meeting quality standards in all circumstances
To prioritize customer satisfaction
To give importance to teamwork and the peace and motivation of our employees
To follow technology and innovations closely
Not compromising our ethical values
Respecting the environment

Mission vision

Our Mission: To be one of the leading companies in the sector by producing aluminum with high quality standards, keeping up with change and technology and prioritizing the satisfaction of our customers.

Our Vision: By further expanding aluminum extrusion production,

To strengthen our leading position in the Turkish industry,
To achieve excellence in customer satisfaction,
To be one of the doyen companies of the sector respected by our competitors by ensuring the continuity of our company reputation,
Both Turkey we aim to be our customers\' first choice in the market between both nations.

Corporate Information
Our history