The Founder Omer Ari started to trading, buying and selling dried apricot his career by commission medhod. He got some experience while doing contract manufacturing by ARI brand and started to steer for domestic selling in the time. In this way he got first experience about the manufacturing and marketing then entered into the effort to expand the sales network and market. In 1980, he enlarged products segment by getting dried grape, apricot kernel and dried mulberry and contuniued to marketing fastly. Over time, he organized a team with his suns. He established Ari Kayisi Ve Tarim Urn Tic.Paz.Ltd.Sti after 2005 and handed them over to his suns. His first investment was a Apricot Factory that builded on an area of 7,000 m2 with 2.500 m2 closed area. The factory builded at the Apricot capital of the World which location has highest quality apricot agriculture in Turkey. Ari Kayisi has taken serious steps to provide the highest quality service for the business partners towards institutionalization.