Baydemir Çiçekçilik

İzmit Karayolu Üzeri Yalova Sanayiciler Sitesi Girişi Topçular Mevkii Taşköprü / YALOVA Yalova Merkez / Yalova Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Our company, which was established by Ali Baydemir in the village of Laledere in Yalova in 1954, entered the sector by producing cloves in a 2,000 square meter closed glass greenhouse.

In 1966, we continued to produce cut flower varieties and rubber (ficus tineke) with the participation of Hasan Baydemir, growing with our facility with a closed area of 10,000 square meters on the road to Elmalık.

Our company, which developed its marketing activities in the 1990s, has marketed ornamental plants and indoor living room plants to its sector, on the other hand, it continued its production.

Our company has increased its product range in the domestic market with the production of ornamental plants, seasonal ornamental plants and marketing of imported plant varieties by moving to 25,000 square meters closed and 15,000 square meters open area facilities in Topçular in the 2000s.

On the other hand, our company, which opened to foreign markets in the 2000s, exports to the Turkic Republics.

Our goal; To become a brand with our corporate structure aiming to develop customer satisfaction and quality as a pioneer in innovations and present them to the sector.