Bilgi Yayınevi Basım Dağıtım Kitabevi Ve Kırtasiye A.ş.

Meşrutiyet Caddesi, No:46/A Yenişehir - 06420 / ANKARA Çankaya / Ankara Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Bilgi Publishing House was founded by Ahmet Tevfik Küflü in 1965 in Ankara. He has published nearly 4000 books in 47 years. He currently has over 1000 books on sale.

He worked with writers, poets, researchers and thinkers who produced products in Turkish language, formed the cornerstones of Turkish literature, signed classic works, and published versatile works. He created works in politics, literature, sociology, classical and children\'s books that left their mark on their period.

Bilgi Publishing House; It is an original institution approved with appreciation by its editorial policy, authors, outstanding works and awards. It is its goal and principle to carry what it has produced so far from national dimensions to universal dimensions.

Bilgi Publishing House was selected as \"Publisher of the Year\" by Dünya Kitap magazine in November 1995.
Bilgi Dağıtım was founded in 1972 in Istanbul. Information Publications, including in particular the books of all publishing, distributing across Turkey. It legally feeds the book sector by visiting the bookstores spreading over a wide geography one by one, and provides a cultural service with a great risk with its 40 years of experience.