Çakıcı-Kap Kalıp Ve Plastik San. A.ş.

GEPOSB Gebze Plastikçiler Organize Sanayi Bölgesi P.O. Box 8 Gebze / Kocaeli 41400 Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
CAKICI-KAP is the company of Çakıcı Group of Companies that produces plastic components. Other companies affiliated with the group consist of ÇAKICI KALIP, which is a mold manufacturer, KOZA-PACK, which produces cosmetic packaging products, and ÇAKICI SİGORTA, which offers a wide range of insurance services.

ÇAKICI KALIP, the core company of the group, was founded in 1969 by Ali İhsan Çakıcı as a small workshop to produce molds for highly \"demanding\" industries such as electronics and sanitary. His insistence on quality, the innovations he applied in mold design for plastic components that require complex and precision, and innovative solutions to increase efficiency in mold and production, \"ÇAKICI\" brand.
It has made it synonymous with the phrase \"superior techniques in molding\".

ÇAKICI-KAP, which was included in the Group in 1973, was established to meet the sensitive and complex component demands of important industrial sectors such as electronics, white goods and automotive. ÇAKICI KALIP constitutes an indispensable support for its sister company ÇAKICI-KAP in line with the coexistence of mold production and plastic processing processes for maximum efficiency in plastic parts production. Thanks to in-house molding, ÇAKICI-KAP does not only provide mold production to its customers, but also serves its customers in the field of product development.

Since the producers are constantly faced with the problem of \"producing good quality cheaply\" in today\'s active \"buyer market\" conditions, ÇAKICI-KAP has to invest systematically in the fields of technology and management knowledge in order to cope with this paradox.

KOZA PACK, which was established in 1983, started with the encouragement of multinational cosmetics giants such as Helena Rubinztein and Christian Dior, who were looking for domestic packaging manufacturers with the potential to meet quality standards. Today, KOZA PACK is one of the few companies in the world that offers complete production in the cosmetic packaging sector with its technical knowledge strengthened by modern production possibilities and serves customers in many countries of the world with the ISI 9001 2000 assurance.

In line with competitive power and maximum efficiency, ÇAKICI-KAP is in close cooperation with its sister company KOZA-PACK in areas such as design, method development and cost reduction. This cooperation basically reflects the strategic partnership understanding of ÇAKICI-KAP for all its customers.