Malaysia Malaysia

Established circa 1976, Caroma Cafe Food (M) Sdn Bhd is rooted in humble beginnings. What started as a family business has today grown into one of Malaysia's most renowned coffee producers. Asia has always been well known for producing high quality coffee beans which are rich in flavor, pleasantly aromatic, and irresistible in taste. Realizing worldwide growth and the increase demand for coffee beans, Caroma Cafe has grown in leaps and bounds, becoming one of Malaysia's largest manufactures of coffee mixtures to consumers from around the globe. With a strong focus on delivering quality, affordability and excellence in all of its products, Caroma Cafe uses only the finest coffee beans in all its mixes. Caroma Cafe strives to provide premium quality in each cup of coffee, while keeping prices competitive and affordable so that its products are readily available to every segment of the market. One sip of our brew and you will realize that excellence can be found in a cup. Caroma Cafe takes pride in knowing that it produces some of the worlds most premium coffee mixes. With a team equipped with the technical knowhow, industrial expertise and passion for the business, Caroma Cafe has propelled itself into one of the industry's most prominent producers, suppliers and distributors by delivering its promise of excellent coffee. The demand for coffee is ever-changing, and Caroma Cafe has stapled its products into the minds of consumers. Brand loyalty is paramount. Caroma Cafe places a strong emphasis on the end user. Being coffee enthusiasts ourselves, we realize the importance of a good brew. That's why every cup of coffee is made by coffee enthusiasts, for coffee drinkers. In diversifying its products, Caroma Cafe has also expanded its offerings to include Chocolate Mixtures and Tea. Currently, Caroma Cafe offers products from 4 major brands which include: Caroma Coffee, Bicaco White Coffee, Mixco Chocolate, and Restea. Plans to diversify further are underway as Caroma Cafe looks to expand its horizons. Having been accredited with the ISO 22000, HACCP and HALAL statuses, Caroma Cafe is looking to further expand its operations in the international market. China, one of the world's fastest growing markets, has started embracing the coffee culture, and with demand pouring in, Caroma Cafe has already set up strategic partnerships and is exporting its products to the world's largest population. Future plans will see Caroma Cafe making its mark on the Global market. Coffee is now a part of everyday life. With over 80% of the world's population consuming coffee, the market is vast and demand is on the rise as such Caroma Cafe - Malaysia's pioneer coffee producers and distributors - will be there to meet the needs of the market. Caroma Cafe - Aroma Rediscovered