changsindon 328-18 season bldg. No. 853

South Korea South Korea

Hello! My name is Amy charge of cocosystem Most of all thank you so much for your interest in our products with valued time We have run fashion business to do trade from Seoul, South Korea to all over the world since 2007. I can tell that we are trying to get our products most new, various and qualified enough that our buyers can make benefit by doing simple transactions to their countries. Here I just want to share our idea of the fashion business from the 4 years experiences in this field to have more long terms of partnership I believe that fashion business has been changing in such a speed as we are having various social phenomena than any other days For example buying and selling are not made through road shop only. The way of transactions can be completed through computer, cell-phone even TV as you know. Therefore much more retailers can be expected since they are able to open and run stores easily. For this point fashion traders are supposed to provide more various, trendy items to satisfy those retailers who are in very competitive market. Secondly as customer get educated by more news and wide information through internet, they are having their own idea of life and fashion. That means that we may not need to have thousands of stocks on a certain item. Varicosity is new wave for fashion market By these ideas, which we learn from last 4 years experiences, we try to do more focus on having latest items in different price level for no minimum quantity to order (so buyer does not have to keep bunch of stocks) Here we have simple guide to remind our business partners. 1.There is no minimum to order 2.We are selling the latest item made in Korea.(30% of shoes are from China) 3.Any order under 50 items can be made at directly -This site will offer 1 to 100 items in each price level by quantity to order -Shipping method should be decided after sharing idea from 30 items (We will suggest the best solution concerning tax , delivery time and price issue for your country) 4.Request bulk price. for an order more than100 items I hope that you will look around or as well to check how our products are competitive in their quality and price. I am sure that we are working on the best way to do fashion business affectively. Hope more partner ship with fashion people around the world can be continue with us Thank you.