Control Cables

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Hidrel Hidrolik Elemanlar San. Tic. A.ş.

Uzayçağı Bulvarı, 1431. Cadde ,Ata İş Merkezi, No: 2 (KOSGEB - OSTİM Karşı Çaprazı, METEM Binası bitişiği) OSTİM Yenimahalle / Ankara Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Our company; With its important gains and real expert staff in the field of Hydraulics, Pneumatics and Automation over 30 years, it continues to provide our valued customers with the best quality service at the most affordable prices.

particularly in the areas covered by our services issues Representation, Product Supply and Sales, Engineering, System Design, Technical Consulting, Technical Training, and After-Sales Technical Service services, Turkey we made the gen...
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