Coverless Battery Rack

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İksel Elektromekanik San. Ve Tic. A. Ş.

Esenkent Mah.Göznuru Sok. No: 7/1-2-3 34776 Ümraniye / İstanbul Ümraniye / İstanbul (Anadolu) 34776 Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
İKSEL ELEKTROMEKANİK is the name of the adventure of a team raised from the core, starting from the core with a new service concept.
Our company, which was established in February 2009 in the midst of the global crisis, combines our knowledge and experience with today\'s technology, leaving high cost habits aside, instead of providing products with a quality, fast-produced, functional, visual and cost-not increasing structure, thus gaining customers in every aspect. is...
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