Datalogic - Fiberoptic Photocells

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Ers Elektrik Otom. Mak. Elk San Tic Ltd Şti

Büyükkayacık OSB Mah. 101.Cad. D2 Blok No: 8/B Selçuklu / Konya Selçuklu / Konya Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
ERS ELEKTRİK OTOM. MAK. ELK SAN TİC LTD ŞTİ was established in 2009 and started its activities in Selçuk University Technology Development Zone. In order to transfer the 21 years of experience of its founding partners in the Automation Sector to its customers, it has combined its strength and quality with Ant Engineering and started to serve in this sector by acquiring Konya Karaman Dealership.

Our company, whose main purpose is to find solutions to problems, o...
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