Dongguan Huge Leather Goods Produce Factory was founded in 2002 and specializes in designing, developing, manufacturing and selling leather products. Since our establishment, we have adhered to the idea of "integrity, pragmatism, innovation, excellent service and high quality". We have been an important supplier of leather goods in the stationery manufacturing industry and have won the approvals from markets and customers. Main products:various materials (including genuine leather, imitation leather, superfine fiber, and fabric)of organizers, loose-leaf notebooks,briefcases,file folders,portfolios,wallets, business card holders, passport folders, manuals, and all series of business leather cases and stationery products. Quality goal: Clients-oriented, Quality-first, Keep improving, and the Expectation of Development: - Strengthen the management of quality to meet our client's requirement - We will subject to the standard of ISO9001:2008 to build our scientific, strict, practical and standard system of management. - To achieve sustainable development. We welcome foreign and domestic merchants to order our products and we will supply what you want. Please feel free to visit our website for more information !