Egt Refrakter Gereçler Endüstri Ve Ticaret Ltd.şti

Organize Sanayi Bölgesi .Ziyaeddin Cd.7.Sok No:8 Konya Ahırlı / Konya Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
For the first time in our country, in 1983, our company produced chrome-graphite-silica-silicon carbide-based sliding sands, which are also consumed in this system, with the repair of sliding system plates used in liquid metal carrying ladles in the steel industry.

In the following years, Silica, Magnesite, Chromite and High Alumina Based Induction and Arc Furnace Lining materials, Fire Resistant Concrete (Castable), Forged Plastic Refractory Mortars (Masse), Refractory Based

Brick and Kiln Components, special quality knitting mortars (Mortar), abrasive sands, filter sands and special quality products are also included in our production program.

In addition, we have started to sell materials such as ceramic fiber blankets, papers, chemical binders, ceramic pipes and related firebricks that are not produced in our factory to meet customer needs.

It is based on manufactured materials and continuous raw material resources. Our understanding that focuses on customer satisfaction and prioritizes quality can best meet the important needs of the relevant industries in Turkey and abroad. This approach has brought new opportunities to our company in expanding our production program and opening up to foreign markets.

The efforts to expand abroad resulted in 1986, and the first export was realized with the sale of sliding sand and refractory concrete. As of the beginning of 2012, the number of exported countries exceeded 15 and the amount exported reached 50% of the annual production. With this level of our exports, our quality is also approved by foreign markets open to all kinds of competition.

Works are carried out with 30 expert personnel in a total area of 14,000 m2, 10,600 m2 of which is closed.

The owned capacity reached 19.000 tons / year.