Extruded Polystrene Thermal Insulation Board for Walls, Columns and Persons

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Ode Yalıtım Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.ş.

Genel Müdürlük Piyale Paşa Bulvarı Ortadoğu Plaza K.12 34384 Okmeydanı - Şişli / İstanbul Şişli / İstanbul (Avrupa) Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
He started his business life in 1985 in the contracting activities in 1998, Turkey\'s most needed tending to one of the area decided to advance in the insulation sector. Having become an importer in 1990 and a manufacturer in 1996, ODE; It produces in 2 main categories, namely building and HVAC. Today, ODE is among the biggest producers of the insulation sector with its 5 modern production facilities, more than 4 thousand product types and expert personnel.

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