Fleet Sports Shoes

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Gün Terlikleri Ayakkabı Deri Ve Aks. İth. İhr.

Çakmak Mah. Tüfekçi Yusuf Bulv. No:171 Şehitkamil / Gaziantep Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Mevsim Gün Polyurethane started its commercial life in 1996 under the leadership of Murat GÜN under the leadership of Murat GÜN and established the infrastructure of the establishment from the workshop process by closely following the technology every year and with R & D studies.

He guided the sector by establishing the First Laser Facility of Gaziantep and Southeast Anatolia in 2000.

In the 7th month of 2002, the main starting point, Saya