India India

The stand-alone qualities of our Gasification System are: 1. The Gasification chamber, ash pan and hopper, are all made of Stainless Steel to prevent corrosion & has three times the life of MS generally prevalent. (It is even more than three times costlier than MS.) 2. No civil expenses for foundation are required for installing our Gasification system. Only a plain concrete surface is required. 3. Cal. value of our Gas is >2000Kcal/cu.mtr as compared to generally prevalent 950Kcal/cu.mtr. 4. Our Gasification system is updraft, fluidized circulating bed with direct & indirect oxidation. 5. The complete Gasification system is resting on Steel pillars and has a very compact design. It can be dis-assembled vertically for easy transportation / shipment & reassembled at site with ease within a day or so depending upon the size. The pipeline and electrical connections may take another one or two days in commissioning if their inventory is readily available. 6. There are no Effluents. No Drainage. Water in tank is re-circulated. 7. There are no Emissions from the Plant. 8. Ash is the only waste. 9. Tar is received in closed containers as a by-product. In the Syn-gas, at the outlet, Tar is near to zero. With biomass viz. Wood, Rice Husk, Rice Straw, Groundnut husk, Cotton Stalk, etc., Tar is up to 2% of the wt. of feedstock used. With Plastics or Coal, it is upto 8%. TAR has a calorific value of 7400Kcals/kg. It can be sprayed over feedstock to be used in Gasifier Reactor or It can be centrifuged and sold in open market at nearly 2/3rd the price of Furnace Oil.