Fusions Cash Register Pos 410G Standard

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İnfoteks Bilg. Elektr. Mek. Tel. Me. Re. İth. İhr. San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Melih Gökçek Bulvarı 1368. Cadde No:113/2 İnfoteks Alfa Plaza İVOGSAN Yenimahalle / Ankara Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
İNFOTEKS, innovative electronic products at the beginning of the 2000s has been established to bring together Turkey market. The company, which introduced new products to the electronics sector, which it was involved in and was in the process of development in those years, has realized works that will set an example for the sector and other companies in the sector.

Producing technological products and operating in this field, INFOTEKS has increased its contribution...
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