Garden Ornamentṡ - Dolphin Fish Sculptureṡ

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Hake Keklikoğlu

İSTANBUL CAD.NO:54 İSKİTLER Altındağ / Ankara Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Hake Keklikoğlu was founded in 1992 in Ankara Esenboğa Akyurt district by Yahya KEKLİKOĞLU. Hake Keklikoğlu is a family company. Our company continues its production on our own land of 50000 m2, including indoor and outdoor areas. It started its production with flowerpots, tiles, interlocking parquet, floor stones, wire posts, concrete garden fences and columns.
Hake Keklikoğlu did not limit its product range to only these; It has added benches, seating groups, tab...
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