İkitelli Keresteciler Sitesi 17. Sok No: 2-4 Başakşehir - İstanbul, Turkey

Türkiye Türkiye
“Genya” has started oper­a­tion in Istan­bul in 1989, whereas gained the com­pany title in 1993. Since the day it has been founded, it has adopted the prin­ci­ple of keep­ing vari­eties in stock, pro­vid­ing max­i­mum qual­ity in ser­vice, hav­ing a pleas­ant atti­tude to its cus­tomers, and being a rep­utable and reli­able company. In addi­tion to large inven­to­ries, start­ing out with the prin­ci­ple of every­thing for the peo­ple, it has adopted the prin­ci­ple to always keep the high­est level of qual­ity by using the lat­est tech­nol­ogy machin­ery in the siz­ing plant of 900 m2 closed area that it has estab­lished in 2003. Today in the siz­ing plant, all kinds of siz­ing, straight and curved band­ing, groov­ing, milling, minifix place open­ing oper­a­tions are real­ized with care. In batch and ser­ial works it pro­vides both time gain man­u­fac­tur­ers and earn­ings, together with pro­vid­ing great con­ve­nience to manufacturers. To avoid errors that can occur, the blades are checked peri­od­i­cally by spe­cial devices and errors are not over­looked. The prod­ucts that are in the pro­duc­tion phase are con­trolled con­tin­u­ously by autho­rized per­son­nel errors that may occur is lim­ited to a minimum. The irra­di­a­tion sys­tem in pvc machines opti­mizes errors that might occur in the pvc , and an error-​free PVC adhe­sion is car­ried out by the help this system. Genya, aims to con­tribute to the national econ­omy in the rapidly evolv­ing world econ­omy by fur­ther increas­ing its share in the exports ris­ing econ­omy of Turkey. Genya so far has suc­ceeded to serve in the best way, in order to keep the cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion and qual­ity at the high­est level, with wide range of prod­ucts, Siz­ing and Band­ing facil­ity, a branch in Bahcelievler, the head office in Ikitelli and will con­tinue to suc­ceed after today, with the tech­nol­ogy and innovation.