9222 Sk. Yazıbaşı Mah. No: 3/1, Torbalı, İzmir, Turkey

Türkiye Türkiye
Our company is located in an area of 10700 m2 with 3000 m2 closed work area in Torbali, IZMIR. This company was established in 1998. It is one of the most experienced companies in the sector. Our company exports to the near east and Europe. It is one of the leading companies in Turkey. It has got a variety of products. Our company is also going to be the most power full in the sector in Turkey. Ilkim Makina pays attention to solation methods which is based on customer. The company will offer new products with spirit of team of employees. Ilkim Makina gives a quarantine and safety about its products based on the principle consumer comes first before everything. Ilkim Makina has got a principle of customer satisfaction offering the most quality products at the most economical prices.