İltema Ltd.şti

Dokuz Eylül TTO Depark Buca / İzmir Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
iltema is an R&D company where the design and production activities of new generation high-tech materials are carried out by using local resources, with the combination of electrical-electronics, metallurgy-materials and textile engineering disciplines.

iltema has been operating in Dokuz Eylül University Technology Development Zone (DEPARK) since April 5, 2016, with the support of TÜBİTAK 1512 Individual Young Entrepreneurship Program (BiGG).
iltema basically designs, develops and manufactures fabrics that can operate with low voltages, do not contain metallic resistors (resistors), can work with portable power sources (batteries, batteries, etc.), do not carry the risk of electric shock, and radiate heat.
Heat-emitting fabrics developed by Iltema can be used in many areas where heat is needed and are produced using completely domestic resources. Although the date of establishment is 2016, it dates back to 2013, when Ayhan Prepol, one of the company\'s founders, produced the first prototypes. In 2014, Dr. Mustafa Erol started to provide academic support to Prepol with his experience on heat emitting materials. The first prototypes were tested in many ways in industrial and academic terms with a continuous improvement approach and passed these tests successfully. As of this date, many events such as conferences, workshops, fairs, competitions and project markets have been participated and products and technology have been introduced to the relevant people. The achievements in this context are as follows.
2014 - Awards-TET Energy and Environmental Efficiency Project (Second) 2015 - 5th Turkey Energy Summit (Top 5)
2016 - TÜBİTAK 1512 Individual Young Entrepreneurship Program (BiGG) 2017 - İzmir Innovation Week (Presentation) 2017 - FIT Innovation Technologies of the Future (Third Place) 2017 - İzmir Chamber of Commerce - promising projects (Final 10)
2018 - ITU BigBang (Top 20, Highest cash back)
2019 - TakeOff International Start-Up Challenge (Second)
2019 - Ford Otosan DemoDay - First Place