Intercity Ekim Turizm Tic. Ve San. A.ş

Dudullu Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 3. Cad. G-131 Sok. No:26 Yukarı Dudullu Ümraniye / İstanbul (Anadolu) Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Today being hired by the underlying cause of one out of every four vehicles leased in Turkey Intercity, Intercity is a difference.

Intercity, which was established in 1992 by adopting the principles of quality service, customer satisfaction and honest working, provides its customers with guaranteed and 24/7 uninterrupted service with its own services in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara and contracted service points throughout the country.

Intercity has offices in Istanbul Headquarters, Izmir, Ankara, Adana, Bursa, Samsun, Fethiye and Antalya. With its professional staff of more than 500 people, Intercity maintains its 25% market share and sector leadership. Intercity offers a wide range of products, independent of brand and model, from vehicles to be used in the field to senior executive vehicles, and rents passenger cars and commercial vehicles of all classes.

As of 2005, an international consortium consisting of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Dutch Development Bank (FMO), which is an institution of the World Bank, and the German Development Bank (DEG) affiliated to KFW BANKENGRUPPE have become partners in Intercity.

Intercity in 2008, despite the global crisis, Japan\'s largest conglomerate Mitsubishi Group brought to Turkey. The Japanese Mitsubishi Corporation acquired 25% of Intercity, and the Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance company from the same group acquired 20% and became a shareholder of 45% of the Intercity car rental company.

In September 2010, Intercity\'s partners made a capital increase of 30 million Euros in order to enable Intercity to grow faster. Since this date, Mitsubishi Group has increased its partnership rate in Intercity to 47%.

Intercity British Standards Institute (BSI), which has been awarded ISO 9001 Quality Standard by the company is the only fleet leasing company in Turkey. Intercity, international research company GfK Turkey\'s Super Brands (Superbrands) as a brand that like most consumers located in the car rental industry in research has been the first and only car rental company.