Jiangyin Senphus Electrical Material Co.,Ltd is the only one floor heating cable in China which has his own alloy resistance material company. Our main products: 1, underfloor heating system: floor heating cable, floor heating mats 2, anti-freeze heating cables: water pipe heating cable, roof& gutter de-icing cable 3, Heating wires: PVC heating wire, Silicone rubber heating wire, FEP heating wire, electric blanket heating wire, car seat heating wires, etc. 4, silicone rubber heater: UL silicone rubber heater, drum heaters 5, Alloy materials: A,Nichrome, NiCr8020, NiCr6015, NiCr7030, NiCr3520, NiCr3020, NiCr2025, etc. NiCr 80 Also called: Chromel A, Nikrothal 80, N8, Nichrome V, Tophet A, Resistohm 80, Cronix 80, Alloy A, MWS-650, Stablohm 650 NiCr 60 Also called: Chromel C, Nikrothal 60, N6, Tophet C, Resistohm 60, Cronifer II, Nichrome Alloy C, MWS-675, Stablohm 675 B,Copper Nickel Alloys (CuNi Alloys):CuNi1, CuNi2, CuNi6, CuNi8, CuNi10, CuNi14, CuNi19, CuNi23, CuNi30, CuNi34, CuNi40, CuNi44 (constantan) C.Pure nickel wire: N6, N8 D.PTC thermistor alloy wire: P-4500, P-4000, P-3800, P-3500, P-3000, P-2500 E.Stranded wire: nichrome alloy, nickel strand wire and other alloy material. F.Thermocouple wire: Type K, N, E, J, T, S. Thermocouple cables G.Thermocouple compensation alloy : KPX, KNX, EPX, ENX, TNX, NPX, NNX, JPX,JNX,etc