Kgs Otomasyon

Kozluk Mahallesi, Orduevi Sokak No 17 İzmit / Kocaeli 41100 Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
KGS is a company operating in the fields of automation and medical. It has the potential to work successfully in both fields and continues to work in an effort and work to combine the two fields with each other.

Our company offers wide solutions in the field of automation and produces turnkey solution projects with cost reduction based works. In order to realize these, first of all, the way of determining the special needs of our customers is followed. The company has adopted a quality service policy in project management and post-project maintenance services with its experienced staff.

By integrating production systems and information systems, the demands of our customers are met thanks to projects based on accessing desired work and information from every point and eliminating distances. Thanks to our approach, a wealth of information is provided. By bringing together the right software and hardware components, we achieve the goal of always accessing real-time information with special software projects.

Our growth has arisen to meet the changing needs of our customers. The real reasons for our success have been long-term partnerships with our customers.