eymir yolu uzeri 1. km

Türkiye Türkiye

We have been expert on the freld of the legumes in which we have started with individisal studres of 1980. We builded Konuklar joint-stock company in 1990 we have continued as a family company presently. We taked lojistic supprt from Ankara Gimat wholesaler and we lad an office. Presently we have been active since 1992. For reachirg small cities around Ankara, we have been active volungtarily at presently. We feel proud of serving our colleagues who pay atfentron to professron. A land measure of about 10 squore meters was bought. In 1990, for functroning manufactures, a land measure of about u squore meters which was closed place and integre facilitres as store were built. Between one fifty kilogram packets include in quality. The documents checking quality and the document food productron vacatron were taken in 10.07.2002 very carefully. While we were investing and making the plons about the change technological in Yozgat, the stores of Eskitobank were bought partly to forme the export and import. And we transported the investment to Mersin. Konuklar legumes is 500 m. Distance of Mersin region free. We believe that it will be an important source of import and export. Being in the service of our custemers worthies, we feel glad for taking painswith our product which has high quality and for us, service is dept Our mission; Quality, guarontee and competition Products The Wheat Broad Bean The Red Mullet The Pea The Cow Pea The Boiled Pounded Wheat The Horse Bean Vicia Sativa The Lentil The Corn The Chickpea The Ria Green Lentil ||Less|||||| |