Kulaç Group - Kulaç Plastik Metal Profil Ve Aks. San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Barış Mahallesi 1801 Sk. No:12/6 Gebze / Kocaeli 41400 Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
After working as a manager in the sector for more than 25 years, we established our company KULAÇ PLASTİK METAL in order to realize our ideals and to offer our knowledge and experience to the service of the sector. Our company was established in December 2012. Although we are a very young and very new company, we are sure that our 30 years of business and sector experience will bring our company to where it should be in a very short time.

KULAÇ PLASTİK METAL operates in a 1.450 m2 closed area in Gebze-Balçık village Industrial Zone. Our aim is to contribute to the sector and offer quality and qualified products to our domestic and foreign customers.


\"We really love our job.\"

Perhaps this is the sole and only reason for our success. Because we know that; However, when you love a job, you work to improve yourself and become more successful in that field. Everyone involved in the Kulaç Plastik team also loves their job and makes an effort to develop in their own fields.

\"We are constantly seeking to be better at our job.\"

We are constantly doing research on plastic and metal with our R&D department. We try to follow what is new in these areas, to find solutions by determining the needs of the sector, and to produce products that can be used for our customers.

\"We always turn our faces outside.\"

We follow our industry in Turkey and abroad by conducting research and research. We want to improve ourselves in terms of production technologies and production methods and to offer our customers the most accurate and highest quality products.

\"We produce solutions, not excuses.\"

Full Customer satisfaction is our most important principle. We manage the production stages within the framework of the quality management system, we carry out the quality and the satisfaction of our customers. We know very well that the work we are trying to do is a difficult job than expected. we concentrate. That is why we produce \"solutions\", not \"excuses\", while conducting the production stages.

\"We work in a disciplined and programmed manner.\"

Regardless of the sector you serve, whatever your working conditions are regulated; We believe that if you want to be successful in that field, it is necessary to work in a disciplined manner within the framework of certain programs. We organize the work flow for every product we produce and we take care that all our employees, including the production team, remain loyal to this process.