Metal Mold Processing

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Ergüller Makina Otomotiv Nak. İnş. Taah. San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Merkez: Yeni Sanayi Sitesi 4. Sokak No:42 Sungurlu / ÇORUM Şube: 1213. SOKAK NO:11 Ostim OSB Yenimahalle/ ANKARA Yenimahalle / Ankara 06374 Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Ergüller Makina was established as a 30 square meter workplace in Sungurlu district of Çorum in the 1970s. The adventure of Ergüller Makina, which started with a lathe, has come to the 4th generation over the years and reached a working area of 1500 square meters in the 2000s. Based on diligence and quality in its works, our company could not fit into its shell in 2012 and built a second work area of 1200 square meters in Ostim2, Ankara. Based on the philosophy that the mo...
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