Metalurji Akdağ Isıl İşlem San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Malıköy Anadolu OSB 12.Cd. No:24 Sincan Sincan / Ankara Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Our company, which was established in 1993, has made new investments every day by keeping quality at the forefront, has continuously expanded its customer portfolio throughout the country by increasing its capacity, has established a multi-purpose quality control laboratory within its structure and received the ISO 9001 Quality System Certificate in 2004.

Our Metallurgy Heat Treatment and Akdağ Heat Treatment companies decided to merge as of 01.08.2012 in order to provide better service to you, industrialists, and Metalurji Heat Treatment Company changed its title to Metalurji Akdağ Isıl İşlem Ltd. Şti. took over Akdağ Heat Treatment. Along with the merger, renewal and change continue to be intertwined with technology.

Our company, which has an expert staff in its field, contributes to the development of heat treatment awareness by providing trainings on Heat Treatment and Material Selection to every sector of the industry.

Today, our company, which provides heat treatment services to the leading organizations of our country such as E-BERK, Hidromek, Türk Tractor Factory, Roketsan, FNNS, MKE, continues its investments with the philosophy of renewing its technology and keeping up with the developing technology. One of our goals for 2013 is to commission a Vacuum Heat Treatment Furnace.

Heat treatment and quality of his \'whose priority is customer satisfaction\' principle in the sector in Ankara and Turkey in general is one of only a few companies are numbered.

Our biggest goal is to provide quality and correct service to the industry for many years with our experienced technical team.