Mevsim Turşu- Kirazlar Fermantasyon San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.


Türkiye Türkiye
Our founder Tevfik KİRAZ\'s journey to quality, which started with the production of pickled peppers in 1981, continues in our modern facility of 5.000 m2 closed and 13.000 m2 open area. Our modern facility, which was renewed in 2000, has all kinds of technological equipment, and keeps human health at the forefront, hygienic conditions, quality and healthy production policy ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 22000: 2005 quality certificates have also registered international standards.
We provide our vegetables mostly under our supervision by our local farmers by CONTRACTED AGRICULTURE. Our company is determined to set an example for the farmers in our region by aiming for the goal of Good Agricultural Practices (ITU) on the lands belonging to our partners, and to carry out both environmentally friendly agricultural production and the quality and traceability of our production from the field to the table of our final consumer. Agricultural production system determined by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Socially; a livable environment Socially; In economic terms that protect human health; Our efforts and searches will always continue by trying to apply the principles of profitable and efficient production both in agricultural production and industrial production, and to produce the best in the most accurate way and deliver it to you.
While the employment we create in our production facilities and our contribution to the utilization of our local farmers\' hardwork products honor us, they turn our desires for growth into responsibility. We offer our products, which we have prepared with great care, to the domestic market, our export companies and foreign markets through our direct exports. At the same time, we supply semi-finished products, bulk pickles or unprocessed vegetables to other companies in our industry.
Our company, which is growing day by day in the pickle and fermented products sector and expanding its product range, continues its growth both on a regional and national scale with great determination. While doing this, we will not compromise our respect for human and human health. We promise you for that.
And we say; We will not offer you anything that we cannot consume in our own home ...