Minimotom 3X3 Mühendislik Müşavirlik Eğitim Ar-Ge İnovasyon Endüstriyel

Rosem Binası No:24 Sakarya Merkez / Sakarya Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Nowadays, the number of people (disabled and elderly people, etc.) who have to use vehicles such as wheelchairs and scooters for different reasons are increasing rapidly.
Mobility vehicles and their components needed by the disabled and the elderly for short distance transportation; changes in the level of disability, rehabilitation process, aging, variety of activities, outdoor space, indoor use, cruising distance, socioeconomic status, architectural regulations, etc. It creates a wide range of products.

These tools are as main structure:

A wheelchair for those with poor muscle strength and control in their arms.

• For those who have arm strength and control to direct the vehicle but have problems with their legs, they are categorized into two groups as sukuter (scooter).

The aforementioned reasons may require the users to have both vehicles (wheelchairs and sukuter) in the same period or at different periods in the process depending on the change in need.

The vast majority of users generally prefer sukuter type assistive devices in outdoor environments due to their self-confidence enhancing effects. In the interior, wheelchairs are preferred due to their maneuverability. Since these tools are personal and expensive in some cases; Replacements or purchasing both vehicles are costly difficult. This situation necessitates new and special designs in vehicles.

The invention relates to a modular motorized disabled vehicle, which meets the mobility needs of a wide range of users with a basic main structure, and can be converted to a wheelchair when desired, and to a aqua boat.