Micro Dosage Units

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Özbekoğlu İthalat İhracat İnş.taah.ve Mühen.limited Şirketi

Çetin Emeç Bulvarı, Lizbon Caddesi No: 6/1-7, Dikmen Çankaya Ankara Çankaya / Ankara 06460 Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Özbekoğlu was established in 1974 and started to work in the field of consumer products trade. The company entered the industrial equipment sector in 1992, where it still operates. The main field of activity of the company is the supply of products in the processing, mixing and transportation of solid fluids.

In addition to the supply of products; It offers complete system solutions to its customers by providing engineering services, all the services that will be ...
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