Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi

Bor Yolu Üzeri NÖHÜ Merkez Kampüs Alanı Niğde Niğde Merkez / Niğde 51000 Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Cooperating with universities, research institutions and organizations and production sectors, producing technological knowledge in order to make the country\'s industry internationally competitive and export-oriented, develop innovation in products and production methods, increase product quality or standard, increase design quality, increase productivity, production costs to commercialize technological information, to support technology-intensive production and entrepreneurship, to adapt small and medium-sized enterprises to new and advanced technologies, to create investment opportunities in technology-intensive areas by taking into account the decisions of the High Council of Science and Technology, to create employment opportunities for researchers and qualified people, technology to assist the transfer of high / advanced technology to accelerate the entry of foreign capital into the country, and to provide the necessary technological infrastructure for international companies with R&D capability and tradition to conduct R&D in the Region.