Nkü Teknopark A.ş.

Değirmenaltı Yerleşkesi Rektörlük Binası Tekirdağ Merkez / Tekirdağ Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Our Technocity, which aims to contribute to science at a universal level by bringing together gifted young people with valuable lecturers as well as education, training and research activities at our university, is the main activity of research and technology development, software production projects, and the daily lives of researchers, engineers, software developers and all other It is planned to offer a high quality living space where they spend a part.
Establishing a leading R&D center in our region and in our country, creating R&D awareness in the companies in the region, highlighting the high added value of R & D products, strengthening organic ties between existing units within the university, conducting research in basic and applied areas and making the results to provide services at all necessary stages in order to be transferred, to support priority research projects in line with the needs of the country and the region, to create investment opportunities in technology-intensive areas, taking into account the decisions of the High Council of Science and Technology, to create job opportunities for researchers and skilled people, to assist technology transfer and to provide high / advanced technology It aims to provide the technological infrastructure that will accelerate the entry of foreign capital to the country, to create a scientific atmosphere in the university and to encourage the continuation of this environment.
In our country, the environment and support for companies that will operate in the fields of innovative advanced technology and software development in order to support the formation and growth of companies that use or produce advanced technology by maximizing University-Industry cooperation, to enable them to use their existing resources more efficiently or to create new resources provide,
To produce new industrial products and new technology for the world,
It is to create surplus values that will contribute to universal science, technology and humanity.