Oil And Gas Transmission

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Akfel Petrol Ve Doğalgaz Mühendislik A. Ş. Kocaeli Gebze Fabrika Şubesi

Gebze Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, İhsan Dede Cad, No:115, 41400 Gebze Gebze / Kocaeli Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Akfel, whose foundations were laid in 1995, is a group of companies focused on generating permanent value for its stakeholders and sustainable growth.

Akfel carries out its activities in two main segments: Industrial Services and Energy Trade.

Akfel is Turkey\'s largest private-sector natural gas, natural gas importer with annual trade volume of over 70 Twsa. The Group is an ambitious participant in the Southeast European natural gas market and successfull...