Özbay Ortak Sağlık Ve Güvenlik Birimi ( Osgb ) Eğt. Dan. Hiz. San Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Oruç Reis Mh. Tekstilkent Cd. 10-AL Blok No:310 Esenler / İstanbul (Avrupa) Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
As ÖZBAY Joint Health and Safety Unit, our aim is; Beyond customer expectations, based on Total Quality Management in all our works, our most important factor is to adopt that \"Quality\" will be.

Under this understanding and view;

Satisfying customer demands in the most appropriate and short time with the belief that quality is \"in accordance with customer, wishes and needs\"

Ensuring the participation of all ÖZBAY Common Health and Safety Unit personnel in the quality team work and providing the necessary technological facilities for the continuous improvement of quality and the production of services in accordance with the definition of quality,

Our Quality Policy is to ensure that our quality is sustained and activated by our educated, forward-thinking and participatory employees, and act with the awareness of our responsibility towards the environment and society.


To make necessary applications to regulate and control working life.
To take measures to ensure work peace, increase employment and spread social security.
To contribute to the increase of social welfare.
To take regulatory and preventive activities to improve the occupational health and safety of employees.


Full employment and the provision of social security for all, the improvement of working conditions on a global scale and reach a Turkey target model of labor peace that dominant.