Our company started commercial life on the Sites in 1959 by Ahmet OZCELIK. He first served in the field of Furniture and Decoration. Since 1982, Osman OZCELIK and his brothers have continued their activities as Ozcelikler Furniture and Decoration. In 1996 Der-Sa Deri subsidiary was brought to business life. In 1997 our company became Ozcelikler Leather Furniture Textile Construction Industry and Trade Limited Company. Der-Sa Deri continues to provide services to Furniture, Automobile, Aircraft and Yacht Decoration Companies in Ankara Siteler. Always following new technologies and new trends, Der-Sa Deri is constantly updating and enhancing its color charts, offering customers unlimited skin and color varieties with more than 10 varieties and 55 dense color stocks. Der-Sa has made it its mission to present the best quality leather to the customers at the most reasonable price.