Özel Bilge İlköğretim Okulu

Osman Yılmaz Mh. İstanbul Cd. 636 Sk. No.4 Gebze / Kocaeli Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Dear Parents, Dear Teachers, My Dear Students,

İsmailkurt - The importance of the education of the members of a country is one of the criteria that determine the development level of that country. As Özel Bilge educational institutions, we started out with this idea in 1997. We are proud of contributing to the bright future of our country with the education we provide and the students we graduated.

As Bilge Schools, our greatest goal is to raise productive, questioning, sensitive to their environment, global thinking, happy and successful individuals who protect our cultural heritage. At the point we have reached, we derive the greatest strength from our principles, values and goals that we strive to achieve.

We make a difference in education because;

We are an ambitious and deep-rooted institution with our education-training programs and education-oriented projects that we implement in our new and modern school buildings with the latest technological equipment, with our expert education staff.

With the pride of completing all the links of the education chain from pre-school education to university, we will continue to provide our students with the privilege of being a member of Bilge.

Ismail KURT

Private Bilge Educational Institutions

Chairman of the Board