In our farm, we cultivate certified organic vegetable, fruit and pulses under the brand name of “DALINDAN” and closed-farm-system is based while cultivating. Livestock and vegetable production is carried out in a planned manner and with a combination of vegetable production, single and multi-year products are grown. In animal husbandry, mainly sheep and poultry production is made. Perennial crop production products are cherries, apples, peaches and grapes. One-year products are planned as summer and winter based on nutrient needs of a kitchen. These are summer and winter vegetables, legumes and grasses products. Production is based on improvement and sustainable use of soil. Rotation in production and green fertilizer is applied in a planned way and multi-annual basis. Local seeds are used in production. Seeds are provided from the Ministry of Yalova Ataturk Central Horticultural Research Institute, where certified organic seeds are produced. All production is carried out in the regulations and certified by the organic certification institution which is authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.