Pendant Lamp Avize

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Hakcan Aydınlatma

Emekyemez Mah. Şişhane Mektep Sok. No:26/1 Beyoğlu/İstanbul Beyoğlu / İstanbul (Avrupa) Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
The first step of the success story was taken in 1988, when Celal ARGÜÇ founded Cihan Avize. Our company, which continued its activities as Hakcan Aydınlatma with a change of title in 1995, has achieved a different line with its unique design and wood design. HAKCAN has become the most successful name in the world, in line with its wooden product designs. The biggest indicator of this success story; Customer satisfaction, product variety and R&D studies. And we, as HAKCAN ...
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