Pınar Hidroelectric Power Plant Projecṫ

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Age Elk. Enerjisi Toptan Satış A. Ş.

Ahi Evran Caddesi no:333 Ostim Adres 2: Tahran Caddesi No:19 06700 Kavaklıdere Yenimahalle / Ankara Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Our Founder and Honorary President Civil Engineer Mr. Atilla ÖNEN started his working life in 1965 by doing project supervision, construction and contracting works. With the expansion of business volume, AGE İnşaat ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. has been established. AGE İnşaat was transformed into a joint stock company in 1998.

Since its establishment, AGE İnşaat has made a name for itself with the pioneering projects it has developed in the Turkish contracting secto...
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