Indonesia Indonesia

Established in 2013, we build this company with our value and concern in agriculture industry and its development in Indonesia. We were united with one same spirit to contribute and empower the actual capabilities that have been held by Indonesia so that it can perform self-sufficiency at the end. Our Values: 1. Integrity 2. Provide the best performance 3. Deliver on the promise 4. Strive for excellence 5. Open and honest in communication 6. Respect the individual 7. Preserve and protect the environment Vision: Corporate agribusinesses oriented in Indonesian human resource development and prioritize quality improvement of agriculture product in Indonesia. Mission: 1. Fostering farmers in areas of Indonesia in order to increase productivity and human resource integrity. 2. Being a company that upholds professionalism and ethics in business. 3. Being a company that delivers quality results to the consumer at its best Board of Director profiles: 1. Isna Latifani Suhendar as President Director Graduated in Economic Major from Padjajajran University, High-performing person with strong economics and business background and more than 2 years of business consultant experience in Accenture. Accomplished to deliver excellent value for clients in various business areas through impeccable problem solving skill and strong project management. Integrity and professionalism has become her root in running a business. 2. Annisa Afifah as Director Graduated in Communication major from University of Indonesia, Gained experience from US Department of Agriculture of US Embassy (USDA) for more that 2 years as a marketing communications in the team before decided to quit and started her own business. She has an extensive experience in building a good connection and communication with other people. She intends to create and develop people along with her passion in dealing with others. Products and Services: 1. export related commodities for spices, coconut shell charcoal powder and briquette, seaweed, batik & leather bag, and other commodities 2. Import related commodities 3. Producing our own agriculture products (ready to consume) 4. Services and consulting for Indonesia agriculture business Office address: Main/ Indonesia Office: Cik9 Building, Jalan Raya Cikini No.9 Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 10330 Ph. +62 21 39835089 Representative/ Switzerland Office: 4th floor Indonesia Display Freie Strasse no.50 4001 Basel Switzerland