Reactive Power Control Relay

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Klemsan Elektrik Elektronik Tic.a.ş.

Perpa A Blok K : 2 No: 9/0041 Okmeydanı – İSTANBUL Şişli / İstanbul (Avrupa) Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
KLEMSAN ELEKTRİK ELEKTRONİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. was established in 1974 in İzmir. Klemsan, which is the leading company in its field in our country, has contributed to the national economy with its design, value added products and investments since its establishment.

Klemsan produces its products with VDE, ATEX, CE, UL, cUL, CSA, DNV and GOST-R certificates in compliance with the European Union technical specifications and international standards, in its fa...
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