Samm Teknoloji İletişim San. Ve Tic. A.ş.

Gebze Organize Sanayi Bölgesi (GOSB) İhsandede Cd. 800. Sok No: 802 41430 Gebze / Kocaeli Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Quality Certificate: LRQA - ISO 9001: 2008 Scope: Fiber optic connector manufacturing, Heating systems engineering and installation.

SAMM is a foreign trade and engineering firm specialized in telecom, information, construction and industrial products. SAMM also carries out imports and exports by acting as the representative of Turkish and foreign companies specialized in their fields. It also provides consultancy services to domestic and foreign companies. The main products we distribute are Telecommunication active and passive equipment, corrosion protection and prevention solutions used in the Oil and Energy sector, heat monitoring and preservation products and undertaking works for all these products.

By acting as a bridge between the end user and supplier companies, SAMM aims at the highest level of acquisition and customer satisfaction for all employees involved in commercial, technical and engineering workflow. The assembly of the products we supply can also be done by our trained and certified personnel.

SAMM also carries out import, export and contracting works by undertaking the task of project manager or as a consortium leader in jobs that require cooperation. In these cases, all project responsibility is in our company and it undertakes all logistics and engineering activities with its trained technical and administrative staff. These include turnkey, construction and contracting works.

Our personnel are trained and experienced in banking, finance and logistics as well as technical, and they have all the necessary equipment for the programmed and professional execution of our projects.