Side-Plast Plastik San. Ve Tic. A.ş. - Gebze Şubesi


Türkiye Türkiye
In 40 years; Panorama of Plastics Industry and Sideplast of Turkey ...

Turkey, as the plastic in the world, conventional (iron, glass, paper, wood) emerged as an alternative to material consumption has increased rapidly plastic. Turkish Plastics Industry, which has a history dating back to the 1960s, is quite young and attracts attention as one of the fastest growing markets.

The rapidly developing export and changing consumption habits in recent years have also led to the rapid development of the packaging industry. Turkey\'s plastics packaging industry since the early 1990s, has entered a restructuring process, and with the economic crisis, was directed to repair contracting domestic demand and exports. However, large increases in capacities bring along more export needs. Especially after the 1994 crisis, Turkey\'s economy has been exports out of the way. Also taking place on the crossroads between Europe and Asia geographically Turkey is advantageous for gradually increasing plastic exports. Turkish Plastic Products are exported to 124 countries around the world.

Turkey Plastic Industry, with the advantages that it has, competitiveness also has the opportunity to transform into a key regional player high quality.

Aiming to become an energy terminal with the existing and planned natural gas and crude oil pipeline project, Turkey will save huge strides with the facilities to be provided by the raw material of this project. Although the plastic consumption per person, which is currently 35 kg, is above the world average, it is far from the saturation point.

The consumption of 75-100 kg to reach the level of developed countries with a population of 70 million, Turkey will have a say in the world of plastics sector.

hakkımızdasideplast, drawn within this overall profile in Turkey since 1965 that now serves the plastic industry for 40 years the Turkish economy.

Sideplast, which has the idea of constantly renewing itself according to the changing world standards and market values and to carry itself to the top, has adopted the production strategy of producing every product with the best quality from the design stage to the shipment with its high technology and expert staff.

Presenting a wide range of products and \"Ideal Product\" concepts by melting them in a high quality pot; Continuing its production with its total quality policy and modern production standards, Sideplast continues to be a pioneer, innovative and one of the rare organizations that set the quality bar in the plastic industry.

The main objective of Sideplast, in addition to protecting the quality of services provided to existing customers to increase the production capacity to reach new customers and markets and exports to be able to further strengthening Turkey\'s economy made a greater contribution in their respective sectors.

Sideplast will always continue to work for the \"best\" with the slogan \"every day is better quality than the previous day\", which we adopt as our main philosophy.