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Bozankaya Otomotiv Makina İmalat İthalat Ve İhracat A.ş.

Sincan Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Ahi Evran Mah. Artuklular Sok. No: 3 Sincan / Ankara Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Railway system and public transportation vehicles design and production
The biggest strength of Bozankaya AŞ, all the necessary links for the sector
It includes its own group companies. Rail
Pioneering in the field of system and public transport, Bozankaya
It breaks grounds with projects such as;
• 100% Low Floor Tram,
Trambus that can be integrated into the rail system,
• Electric Bus,
• Metro
Bozankaya, new generation vehi...
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