Stevia Food Production Import Export Ltd. Şti.

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Stevia Gıda

Balıkesir Üniversitesi Teknokent Çağış Yerleşkesi PK. 10463 Bigadiç / Balıkesir Bigadiç / Balıkesir Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Turkey\'s Stevie (Şekerot a) set out to be a pioneer in the stevia plant to meet the food started its activities in 2015. In Turkey and in the world Stevie (Şekerot) making its first production facility in the Marmara region Balıkesir in order to increase its capacity due to increased demand for the plant in Turkey\'s market self edinmiştir.stevi Food all certified with seedlings grown from seeds to customers at affordable rates higher service and at the same time ensurin...
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