Tokgöz Triangle Melting Table

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Tokgöz Gıda Sanayi Ve Ticaret Aş

Cevat Dündar Bulvarı 1193. Sokak No: 26 Ostim - Yenimahalle /ANKARA Yenimahalle / Ankara Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Our dear friends;

Tokgöz Gıda San., Which has a history of 50 years. ve Tic. A.S. is among the few companies in its field.

Tokgöz Gıda, whose foundations were laid by Ahmet TOKGÖZ, who started business in the 1950s, started production with the workshop established in Ulucanlar. Growing in time and increasing its investment as it grows, Tokgöz Gıda continues to produce in Ostim Organized Industrial Zone in a closed area of 10 000 m2.
