Tube Pen Holder

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Kimaş Plastik Ve Promosyon Sanayi Ticaret Ltd.şti.

Kirazlıyalı Şehit Kubilay Cad.No:20 Körfez KOCAELİ- TÜRKİYE web: Körfez / Kocaeli Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
Kİ-MAŞ PLASTIC AND PROMOTION INDUSTRY is the 45th year of our company in the sector, which we have brought to these days with all the experience and knowledge we have gained since 1972. We owe the high success momentum we have gained in the plastics-promotion sector, in which we have been operating with our industrialist identity, to our understanding of stability and uninterrupted service we maintain.
In our workplace established on a closed area of 2500 square meters...
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