Ulus Elektronik San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Cumhuriyet mah. Kartal Cad. Çetin Sok. No:7 Kat:2-3-4 Kartal / İstanbul (Anadolu) 34876 Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
ULUS ELEKTRONİK SAN ve TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. It was founded on 31.10.2005 by Mr. Necmettin ÖZKURT.

Coiled circuit elements, Ferrite component elements; It was established in order to meet the needs of hairy components, Toroid type components, core materials and other coil equipment and to meet the needs with sales.

Our company was established on a 2.000m² closed area. Our company has this professional management team that is customer-oriented, using contemporary management techniques effectively, and operational processes that aim excellence on a world scale. Our product range increases every day in line with customer demands and needs.

Our company (QMS) adopts the principle of traveling to excellence with the philosophy of ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System and (EMS) ISO 14001: 2004 Environmental Management System, taking into account the competitive elements with today\'s technology, qualified personnel, quality materials, suitable machinery and since it has to work with looms, it employs appropriate personnel for these conditions.

In this direction, our company constantly renews itself. Now, our company is in a position to respond to every request of our customers.

The future of the company is dependent risks for Turkey\'s economy, opportunities, objectives, preparation and evaluation is performed revised every year.

Our company works on Turkey\'s deliberate act by the current economic conditions to keep the risk factor is minimal. Therefore, our company will plan its future more realistically when the future investment and growth rate of our economy becomes healthy and stable.

We hope these studies will contribute positively to our country and our company and the companies we work with.

Concepts such as Customs Union practices and membership to the European Community brought intense competition conditions. The increase in consumer unity and consequently the awareness of quality products has made all businesses compulsory to work with high quality and efficiency. In parallel with these developments, our company has adopted a quality management system principle that organizes all activities that affect its quality in order to reflect its quality understanding, production and customers at the highest level, and it has adopted EN ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System and ISO 14001: 2004 Environmental Management System Standards It has chosen as a model for itself.

The purpose of choosing this system is to ensure the production of quality products and services for Ulus Elektronik San.ve Tic.Ltd.Şti at all times and under all conditions, with the awareness of continuous customer satisfaction.

Our products can be produced to meet the world\'s major country standards such as TSE, VDE, BSI, CSA, UL, TUV, GS, SEMKO, NEMKO.