Volumetric Filling And Sealing Machine

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Ektam Makine Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi

Kemalpaşa O.S.B. 64.Sokak No:5 35170 Ulucak Kemalpaşa / İzmir Türkiye

Türkiye Türkiye
EKTAM MAKİNE SANAYİ ve TİC. A.S. It was established in 1977 to manufacture turnkey bottling plants for the beverage and beverage industry. The company, which started production under the roof of TAMEK Holding, one of the most important fruit juice producers in the country and bottler of Pepsi Cola, continues on its way independently of the group today. Operating in Izmir, the company continues its production in its modern facilities in 8.000 m2 closed area.
